1. A consumer opens the app and adds an order according to necessary type of skills, provider type and service type to the cart and checkout.
  2. The consumer verifies job site, contacts number, date, start time, language.  The consumer details the tasks, and loads any physician orders or instructions for care, selects a provider or allows Auto Allocation, pays for the order and completes placing and assignment.
  3. The selected provider or 5 skills-matching providers closest to the consumer (if auto allocate is selected) will receive notification of the placed order. Each provider has options to accept or deny the job. Once one provider confirms acceptance.  The order is marked scheduled and both consumer and provider will receive a notification of the scheduled order.
  4. The provider is notified 30 minutes before start time.  The provider starts driving, arrives, completes the task, obtains  signature, including notes and marks the order successfully complete. The consumer receives notifications, can track the progress live.
  5. Upon completion of the order, both provider and consumer rate each other to help others make informed decisions and give a tool to providers to improve the quality of provision of care.


How to precedure